FALL 2015
dedicated to Dr. Hüseyin Parkan Sanlıkol (1/21/1944-9/12/2015),
father of Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol;
and in memory of our colleague Tom Zajac (10/1/1956-8/31/2015)
as well as all those departed and dear to our hearts…
It is a common tradition in Turkey to do a night of remembrance on the 40th as well as the 52nd days of someone’s passing. This concert was scheduled to take place on October 22nd prior to both Parkan Sanlıkol and Tom Zajac’s passing – October 22nd is the 40th day of Parkan Sanlıkol and the 52nd day of Tom Zajac’s passing…
Location, Date/Time:
Thursday, October 22, 8:00 PM – First Church in Cambridge, MA
A Jordan Hall Reunion
Directed by Robert Labaree and Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol
Join us on this very special and celebratory night where a large group of DUNYA collaborators will come together to perform a show not to be missed with highlights from past programs and CDs including, a variety of traditional Turkish musics, early European music, Greek and Jewish musics from the Ottoman period, Sufi music, Turkish pop music, and more…
Location, Date/Time:
Friday, November 20, 8:00 PM – Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory, 30 Gainsborough St. Boston, MA, FREE
DÜNYA’s Documentary Film Screening*
with Robert Labaree
Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol
Cem Mutlu
Brenna MacCrimmon
Phaedon Sinis
and Mal Barsamian
including special appearances from Cemal Kafadar
What A World offers a captivating look at DÜNYA which has explored a wide range of music from around the world since its founding in 2004. The film shows the ensemble performing an amazing concert of music from 20th century Istanbul while interviews with the band members reveal their diverse backgrounds as well as insights about the surprising cultural and musical links between Boston and Turkey.
*This event features a brief talk before the screening as well as a Q & A after.
Location, Date/Time:
Tuesday, February 17, 4:00 PM – Harvard University, CMES 120, FREE
the Tragedy of Sümbül the Black Eunuch
a coffeehouse opera produced by Dünya
conceived and composed by Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol
coffeehouse opera concept developed by Robert Labaree
based on:
The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare (1603)
Un Capitano Moro (A Moorish Captain) by Giovanbattista Giraldi (Cinzio) (1565)
Kızlarağası’nın Piçi (The Bastard of the Chief Black Eunuch) by Reşad Ekrem Koçu (1933)
original music, with music from 16th and 17th century sources from Europe and Turkey arranged by Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol
script by Robert Labaree
additional Turkish poetry by Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol
directed by Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol
Location, Date/Time:
Thursday, Feb. 26, 8 PM, First Religious Society in Carlisle, 27 School St., Carlisle, MA
Friday, Feb. 27, 8 PM, The Congregational Church of Weston, 130 Newton St., Weston, MA
Saturday, Feb 28, 8 PM, The Salem Athenaeum, 337 Essex St., Salem, MA
Sunday, Mar. 1, 4PM, Ascension Memorial Church, 31 County St., Ipswich, MA
Monday, Mar. 2, 730 PM, Christ Church Cambridge, Zero Garden St., Cambridge, MA
Tuesday, April 7, 8 PM, New England Conservatory, Brown Hall, Boston, MA
Wednesday, April 8, 8 PM, Harvard University, Holden Chapel, Cambridge, MA
Thursday, April 9, 8 PM, Smith College, Sweeney Concert Hall, Northampton, MA